Saturday, May 25, 2013

My NSD Challenge Complete at Last

When I sat down at my work table on National Scrapbooking Day, I decided I would work the entire day and finally get my vacation pictures and memorabilia from our 2008 trip to Virginia scrapped so that the vacation album would at long last be complete. I was following Shimelle Laine's challenges during the day and although I was alone in my scrap room, I felt like I was at a crop.

I finished the day 15 hours later (I did have breaks and some family responsibilities in there). I had completed 9 pages - the last one of the day being my least favorite. I didn't finish my project. It took another 2 1/2 weeks and an additional 17 pages to call it done. It then took my three days to get photos that I actually liked of the pages.

This was first page, the introduction to the final section of the book. Another challenge I gave myself was to use up items that have been hanging around in my stash for several years. And yes, the small title runs downhill - something I didn't notice until I looked through the camera lens. The album I was completing is one by Creative Memories - from their older 11 1/2 x 12 days. Because it's a strap hinge album, the metal edges of the pages always have to be considered. All of the pages are kraft or natural in CM's terminology.
During the trip, I had journaled the days events on my computer using Microsoft One Note. Five years later, it was easy to go back and print out the days entries. I also added plenty of handwritten journalling along the way. The tow truck we were waiting for was needed to tow our car to a dealership in Poughkeepsie New York. Less than three hours into our trip, we'd blown the transmission!

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